We might think of UFO sightings and eerie goings-on as relatively recent phenomena. But there’s a long history of reports of mystery objects, including right here in Coventry.

In 1967 a ‘flying cross’ was spotted in Devon. What made people sit up and take note was that it was two police constables who apparently saw it, chasing it in their police car along country lanes in the early hours of the morning.

But it wasn’t the only UFO spotted that year. In a newspaper cutting that’s come to light on the website FindMyPast, it’s emerged that a Coventry woman reported a UFO to the police that same year, before the Devon sighting.

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She described to the reporter that she had seen a ‘pill-shaped’ object, shining ‘silver in the sunshine’ that flew across the sky without making a sound. She reported the incident to the police and was surprised to hear that no other reports had been made.

You can read the full article below.

"It was right over the shops"

Unidentified flying objects have been leading the law a merry dance around the South of England. But at least one sighting has also been reported to the police in Coventry.

Mrs Jacqueline Broadway was standing in the garden of her home at Chatsworth Rise, Cheylesmore, watching a jet stream overhead when she suddenly saw a pill-shaped object cruising across the sky.

“It was about half a mile away and only a few hundred feet above the ground,” she told me. “It was moving steadily from a south-westerly direction until it passed out of my line of vision to thenortheastt.”

The object, shining silver in the sunshine, made no sound, but Mrs Broadway is convinced that it was not a balloon because there was little or no wind at the time.

“I reported it to the police and was very surprised to hear there had been no other reports,” she said. “It seemed to me to be right over the shops in the Daventry Road area.”

Mrs Broadway, who watched the object for about 45 seconds, made her report before the first stories of the ‘flying cross’ seen in North Devon were made known.

Several previous sightings have been claimed in this area in recent years and Mr Donald Speed, of the Coventry UFO Research Society, is convinced the earth is being observed by beings from outer space.

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